Article Twenty-Eight:
A scientific council is established in all universities that oversees faculty’s academic affairs regarding research, studies and publishing, specializing in the following:
- Recommendations regarding hiring of university faculty.
- Initiating faculty academic promotion for university based on rulings by the high scientific council.
- Encouraging efforts on academic/research papers, publishing, and authoring through:
- Setting up frameworks to encourage initiating scientific/academic research.
- Proposal to establish academic/scientific research centers.
- Coordination between scientific/academic research centers and preparing relative general plans.
- Maintaining connections with exterior university research centers.
- Specifying and assessing rewards for scientific/academic works as well as payments.
- Publishing research papers, literature, and recommended-for-publishing theses if deemed fit.
- Recommendation to publish periodic journals.
- Recommendation to establish scientific/academic associations, museum as well as handling coordination.
- Rulings on academic books and university theses requiring review.
- Evaluating Saudi faculty academic degrees
- Viewings on university council direct correspondence
Article Twenty-Nine:
The scientific council consists of the following:
- The Vice-president of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research – Chairman.
- One faculty member from all colleges or institutes ranked Associate Professor at minimum and is to be appointed by a decision from the university council based on the recommendations from colleges or institutes and approved by the President of the university.
It is permitted for more members to join if working on scientific/academic research without exceeding half the number of the overall members on a two-year contract basis, with the possibility of contract-renewal every two years.
Article Thirty:
The scientific council convenes by request of the Chairman once a month at least, and the Chairman has the ability to call onto a meeting when needed, or if two-thirds of the group sends a written request to do so, or by request of the university President which holds authority over any attended session, and such sessions are void/invalid if not attended by at minimum two thirds of the members.
Article Thirty-One:
The decisions of the scientific council are done through a majority voting system of present members, and if voting is considered a tie, then the side in which the president shall support is considered the majority voting. All decisions are final except if objected by the university President within fifteen days of voting, if that is the case, the rejection is to be forwarded back to the council with the President’s remarks for review. If the council remains firm on its decision, then the review request is forwarded back to university President to schedule a regular/exceptional session, the university council has the final word on approving, modifying, or rejecting decisions.